If you are like me, you have been ready for warmer weather since it turned cold. With the temperature rising and everything blooming, I believe Spring is upon us. So I am going to give you some tips for getting your air conditioner ready too.

Change / Check your filter. This is always number one. The filter is a very important part of your HVAC system and needs to be checked according to the schedule in your owners manual. Typically, 1″ filters need to be changed every 30 days, while the bigger 4-5″ filters only need to be changed every six months. If you smoke in your home and / or have pets, I would recommend checking the filter more often than that. When you check your filter, hold it up in front of a light, if you can see the light- you’re okay. If you can’t see light, then your filter needs to be changed. Also, check your owners manual before buying the higher MERV rated filters, they can sometimes be too restrictive and cause issues.

Visually inspect your outdoor unit. Make sure there is nothing broken, sometimes winters are very harsh. If everything appears to be intact, spray it out with a water hose. This will remove leaves, dead bugs, twigs, and any other debris that may have gotten in there during the winter.

Call to schedule your routine maintenance. This is also important in keeping your HVAC system running efficiently. Dr. P’s HVAC cleans and checks ALL components that you use when you have your thermostat set to cool. While we would gladly perform this service for anyone our service area, it is still important- even if you use someone else. However, you can click the link below to schedule with us on our website.